Learn to Find The Anti Logarithm of any Number

What is Antilogarithm?
Antilogarithm is the reverse of logarithm.  Thus antilogarithm to logarithm is as division to multiplication.

For example, if log7 = 0.8451, then antilog 0.8451 = 7

Standard antilog tables are available for calculations.  We follow the rules given below for reading antilog tables:

(i)  Read the antilog of mantissa only (i.e. of the decimal part); locating the four digits the way we did in reading mantissa from log tables in My Article : How to Find Logarithm of a Given Number.
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How To Find Out The Logarithm of a Given Number

In this article, i will explain how to find out the logarithm of a given number.
What is Logarithm?

Logarithm of a number with respect to a given base is the power to which the base must be raised to represent that number.

For example: 1000 = 10^3  where ^ indicates raise to the power.

Log1000 = 3

Four Standard Formulae of Logarithm –

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Top 10 Hairstyles for 2009

What determines fashion? To many people, the world is fashion is largely governed by the celebrities. Thus, it is no surprise that the top hairstyles have also been influenced by the celebrity fever. The summer of 2008 saw a rich mix of styles and color and is likely that the coming year will see more of the trend. Hairstyles come in two modes, either the long or the short versions. Both styles have seen modifications that have remained while others have undergone changes.

One of the short styles that will likely be seen in 2009 is the bob. This style is commonly worn by Victoria Beckham and the legendary Nicole Richie. The hairstyle can be black, blonde or brunette. It looks good on oval shaped faces. Layers are also becoming a great way to go and it comes in either long or short hair style. Bangs have remained hot since 2007 and will likely continue to look pretty on those who choose them. Fringes are getting innovative and despite their 80’s look, they are getting on trend. The style is great on girls who have rounded faces since it tends to dominate most of the face, especially the upper part of the face. Indeed it is a bold cut for anyone.

The soft bob will likely replace the Rihanna bob look for last summer. This style has a less structured cut and is much softer. It tends to hide the eyes and it suits rounded or square faces with protruding cheekbones. Rock culture will still dominate hair styles and the rock crop will likely take the lead. The style is perfect for girls with big eyes and small faces. Coupled with the right mix of lipstick, the style will reveal that feminine look on confident women. The winter season will most definitely be dominated by the mid-length cut. The style does not need a lot of make-up and this style will fit almost any face shape. The moptop is a short hairstyle that will also be popular among girls who want to look a little unkempt. The style will match up with eyeshadow and eyeliners to give that Beatles look.

Extensions will definitely top hairstyles the coming winter and autumn. If one is fairly tall and confident, extensions are the in-thing. The Kim Wilde cut will likely get an update beginning this season and onwards. The style is perfect on girls with long necks and oval faces.
(Bukisa ID #6100)
Content Source: Top 10 Hairstyles for 2009 - Bukisa.com

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